Bálint Bojkó | Hungary | MS Fin 21

January 20, 2021

"I applied to CEU with a BA in Psychology from Eötvös Lóránd University, and an MSc in Behavioural Data Science from the University of Amsterdam. At the time of application, I had 9 months of work experience in the retail banking sector as an analyst and data scientist.

The MS in Finance at CEU has allowed me to take an in-depth dive into a wide range of topics in finance, and to draw up potential future career paths that I did not think were possible a couple of years ago.

Despite the professional and personal difficulties associated with COVID-19, the university staff at CEU has been extremely helpful in any problems or challenges I have faced during my studies. Career coaching and advisory is a great example of this. The support staff really go out of their way to help us reach any individual goal we may have.

I am very happy to be able to study at CEU, and to be part of this international community in the heart of Hungary. Joining the program has created many opportunities and allowed me to bring my professional life to a new level."

