Attila Szűts | Hungary | MS BA 21

February 1, 2021
Attila Szűts

"I joined CEU after finishing my studies in psychology, where I was also a research lab assistant in the field of decision-making. I learnt a lot about programming, statistics and data science while working in the research lab, and wanted to create modern and innovative data solutions to improve people's lives and ease their decision-making processes leveraging the abundance of data we have at our disposal. I entered the MS in Business Analytics because it offered the technical skills I was looking for and comprehensively covered the knowledge necessary to run a thorough analytics project in a diverse, multinational environment.

As soon as I joined CEU career opportunities started flowing in. I was contacted with internship offers by both multinational and startup companies, thanks to CEU's professional network. I am currently doing a data science internship at BrokerChooser, one of the most successful startups in the CEU InnovationsLab.

The first trimester started out by organizing and refining the technical skills I had previously acquired in an ad hoc manner, with courses covering areas such as R programming, data engineering with SQL, and big data technologies. This laid the foundations for more advanced studies in the second and third trimesters in advanced analytics and machine learning.

Throughout my studies I have met with driven, like-minded peers from very diverse backgrounds. Due to the COVID-19 lockdown we have had classes online for the most part, but these have been just as enjoyable, exciting and informative. Classes are interactive, and discussions are as lively as they would be in the classroom.

Faculty and staff have been very helpful, always available, and eager to learn, grow and improve their classes and services. When online teaching began, students were provided with iPads so they could better follow classes, take notes, and execute code snippets at the same time. There have been plenty of opportunities in the form of events, talks and discussions to take part in the University's life online.

The Department offers a student exchange program after graduation, which is an excellent opportunity to extend our network, travel to new countries, and further hone our professional skills.

Overall, CEU’s MS in Business Analytics gets you on the right track in understanding your data, creating valuable business insights, and translating those insights into impactful business decisions to improve the performance of your company, startup or NGO."

