Interview with Victoria Paige Mosby

April 3, 2023
Victoria Mosby
  • Why did you choose to study the Master of Economic Policy in Global Markets at CEU?

I chose it because I wanted a program that was both American and European, that could reflect myself as both an American and a European citizen. Also, I wanted a program that was in a German speaking country because I already knew some of the basics. But what I liked the most was that at CEU, and specifically the Economic Policy program, offered me a lot of flexibility in choosing the electives.

  • What is your highlight about studying at CEU so far?

The highlight of studying at CEU would probably be the people. I get to experience a lot of different cultures being at CEU, what is amazing. And the food is really good!

  • What is your favourite food?

So far would probably be Vietnamese food!

  • Tell us 3 interesting facts about your country and your American-European roots.

My family is from Portugal, specifically from the Azores islands. The Azores islands are a group of 9 islands in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, far from both Europe and US, and my island in particular is known for a spicy cow cheese. It is also one of the regions that consumes more fish worldwide, and Portugal is the country that consumes the most fish out of the EU. Azores is also known by growing its own tea and coffee, and specifically my island is known by its natural and preserved areas, where people go hiking.

  • What is your top hack, as a student, for exploring Vienna on a budget?

There are quite a few things to do for free, specially museums. One of the events I like that they do every year is “Night at the museum”, that is in September/October, and for about 12 years you can see pretty much every museum. There are also plenty of open spaces that Vienna has that are really nice. Vienna does a very good job at public spaces and also transportation, and it is a very safe and clean area. And because there are so many things to see, including the architecture, it does not require a lot of money, just time!

  • What was the first German word you have learnt and what does it mean?

The first German word I learnt was “Weihnachten”, that means Christmas. I learnt that from some of the people in my hometown.

