
Petr Grishin | MA Econ 00 | Head of Macro Research, VTB Capital, Russia

December 8, 2017

"The more distant memory our graduation becomes, the stronger I realise how formative the CEU years had been for what eventually became of me. Four elements seem essential: (1) a first class, rigouros and systematic training in economics; (2) focus on the region, especially with regard to policy issues; (3) proximity of other departments, equally top-notch, that allows for time-efficient interdisciplinary forays, and (4) the liberal atmosphere that encourages open-mindedness, diversity and rationality in intellectual endeavour.

András Kiss | PhD Econ 15 | Assistant Professor, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

March 18, 2016

"The Department runs an excellent and well-funded PhD program. The level of courses is on par with leading European universities, teaching load is limited, and there are many opportunities for research assistantships. The weekly seminar series features invited speakers from the best departments in the world. The faculty is accessible, supportive, and its strong focus on research provides an inspiring environment for PhD students. Peers are great, and so is Budapest as a city. I can't think of another place in Europe where I'd rather spent my graduate years."

Dóra Benedek | PhD Econ 11 | Deputy Division Chief, IMF, USA

April 8, 2015

“I believe I made the right choice when choosing the CEU doctoral program and the learning experience was very enriching. The faculty and my class were excellent and very cooperative and supportive in all aspects. The University also provided a lot of support throughout my studies, both regarding finances and the overall educational environment, including the library and the class selection.

Péter Bakos | MA Econ 07 | Head of Int'l Coverage & Origination, Bank Muscat, UAE

April 8, 2015

“Studying at CEU was an amazing experience. We had the chance to learn from the best economics professors while we were in an exceptionally international environment where long-term friendships were made. It was a hard and challenging program, but I am sure that I would not be in my current position without having had the opportunity to study at CEU. Thank you!"

Katarina Lukacsy | PhD Econ 11 | Engineering Manager, Altassian, USA

April 8, 2015

“CEU was a great experience for me both professionally and personally. I received quality education that is highly valued around the world, but I also gained general skills that allowed me to place myself easily in the industry. I met people from many different countries who became my good friends and with whom I have stayed in touch ever after. CEU is not just a university to me, it is a place where I grew and matured into a self-confident adult well-prepared for life."