
Jaroslaw Neneman | MA Econ 92 | Assistant Professor, Lazarski U, Poland

April 8, 2015

“I had a pleasure of being one of the first students to attend CEU, which was located in Prague at that time. In early 90s, the chance of going to study abroad was particularly rare, hence the opportunity was very exciting from the start. Students from all over Europe and highly qualified international faculty created a truly global learning experience - something very unique in this part of Europe at this time.

Roman Horvath | MA Econ 2004 | Professor, Charles University, Czechia

April 8, 2015

“It is not an exaggeration to say that CEU changed my life. Being exposed to great professors, not only from the Department, helped me deepen my knowledge and understanding of economic and social phenomena. Thanks to the excellent training I received, CEU helped me to build my career, first in the central bank and now at the university. I hope that I will be able to pass on at least the part of CEU spirit to my students. Thank you CEU, I will never forget “

Ekaterina Serikova | MA Econ Pol 2012 | Financial Projects Manager, Anheuser-Busch InBev, Russia

April 8, 2015

“CEU demanded a lot of self-learning, which helps me to this day in developing myself, paying attention to issues outside my immediate work, and trying to improve my actual work results. I learnt how to think big, because my program required broad thinking about the many trade-offs in the economy, and new approaches in public finance and trade. This is very important in the global business environment, where a true leader should not only do a job well, but also see the big picture always find new ways and opportunities.”

Victor Todorov | MA Econ, 2002 | Associate Professor of Finance, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, USA

April 8, 2015

“I very much enjoyed my time at CEU. The quality of the program is very high. Courses are taught at a very high level in a rigorous way. There is also an excellent academic environment which stimulated my desire to continue further with a PhD in Economics.”

Daniel Bunn | MA Econ Pol, 2012 | Legislative Correspondent for Senator Tim Scott from South Carolina, Washington DC, USA

April 8, 2015

“CEU provided me with the opportunity to learn how to communicate and work with policymakers. The importance of argument formulation and brevity was taught well, and I have benefited greatly from being able to put both my analysis and recommendations all in a few bullet points. I also appreciated the exposure to the academic literature. The importance of having significant research (and not just political considerations) to back up a recommendation is often ignored in many senate offices, and I have worked hard to include it in my own work.