Students and faculty from the Department of Economics and Business at Ultra Balaton – 221 kilometers in less than 22 hours

May 14, 2019
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How many economists does it take to run around Balaton, Hungary’s largest lake? Students and faculty from the Department of Economics and Business completed the UltraBalaton race to find out.

UltraBalaton, one of the longest and most popular ultra and relay running races in Hungary, was held for the 13th time on May 11-12. The course started and finished at Balatonfüred, running around the lake through the picturesque hills of the North shore and the spectacular beaches of the South. The relay team of six students and five faculty completed the 221 km course in 21 hours and 41 minutes. 

“Great team, great organization, great experience. Can’t wait for the next challenge.” - said Lili Márk, PhD student in Economics. Miklós Koren, Professor of Economics added: “We gave it everything we had, sweating together for a common goal. Some were anxious to start, some were sore and out of breath after their run, but the team kept moving as one.” The team members were: 

Drucker, Luca

Juhász, Boldizsár

Kaufmann, Marc

Kertész, Balázs

Koren, Miklós

Lee, Tomy

Márk, Lili

Mátyás, László

Muço, Arieda

Reguly, Ágoston

Szabó, Lajos Tamás

With Lieli, Róbert helping with the logistics


