Oguzhan is currently 4th year PhD candidate in Business Administration at CEU.
His research interests are related to sustainable consumption, conspicuous consumption, nonverbal communication, advertising effectiveness, and consumer socialization. His dissertation focus is on the interplay of luxury and sustainability.
His research has been published in prestigious journals such as Business Strategy and the Environment (BSE), Psychology & Marketing (P&M), and Journal of Global Marketing (JGM).
His recent publications:
Essiz Oguzhan and Senyuz Aysu (2023). Predicting the value-based determinants of sustainable luxury consumption: A multi-analytical approach and pathway to sustainable development in the luxury industry. Business Strategy and the Environment, Wiley, 1-38. https://doi.org/10.1002/bse.3569
Essiz Oguzhan and Mandrik Carter (2022). Intergenerational influence on sustainable consumer attitudes and behaviors: Roles of family communication and peer influence in environmental consumer socialization. Psychology & Marketing, Wiley, 39(1), 5-26. https://doi.org/10.1002/mar.21540
Essiz Oguzhan, Yurteri Sidar, Mandrik Carter, Senyuz Aysu (2023). Exploring the value-action gap in green consumption: Roles of risk aversion, subjective knowledge, and gender differences. Journal of Global Marketing, T&F, 36(1), 67-92. https://doi.org/10.1080/08911762.2022.2116376
Essiz Oguzhan and Senyuz Aysu (2023). A multi-analytical approach to predict value-based determinants of sustainable luxury consumption: Roles of conspicuous ethical self-identity and green advertising receptivity. Business Research Proceedings, 1(1), 16-18. https://doi.org/10.51300/BRP-2023-87
Yurteri Sidar, Mandrik Carter, Essiz Oguzhan (2023). Effects of brand priming on sustainable consumption attitudes and behaviors. Business Research Proceedings, 1(1), 40-42. https://doi.org/10.51300/BRP-2023-90