Tamás Marosvári | MS Tech 20 | Business Process Consultant, IBM, Hungary

January 2, 2018

"Having studied technology management and innovation at CEU helped me become well-rounded in management, and acquire hands-on experience in the latest technological trends that are transforming the way we are doing business.

Personally, the most fulfilling achievement of the year was to deliver a market entry strategy for an SME, a presentation that was used at their strategy and investor meetings and shaped the future of the company. My work was awarded with the Outstanding Capstone Project award.

What is equally important are the friends I made and the people I got to know. I had the chance to study and learn from field experts, which always sparked interesting debates inside and outside of the classroom.

CEU presented me with a wide range of module choices, from Finance to IT Service Management, but out of all, I enjoyed the Boardroom Global Challenge the most. It is a simulation game, where along with your teammates you form the leadership of a global telco company for 12 weeks. We were responsible for all aspects of running the corporation including product range, R&D, manufacturing, pricing, logistics and, of course, managing the balance sheet.

As a student at CEU, I could apply for McKinsey’s Unlock Problem Solving Workshop as well as BCG’s Strategy Cup. The former was a three-day event at an exclusive location where I won an award for outstanding performance and best presentation skills.

CEU helped me stand out from the crowd and, despite the ongoing pandemic, I managed to secure a job at IBM. I am now responsible for establishing a new business line and supporting strategically important projects, reporting directly to the division’s country leader. This was definitely a step up in my career!"

