Winners Announced for Equilor Investment's Online Trading Competition

April 20, 2021

Congratulations to the winners of Equilor Investment's week-long online trading competition.

The Top 3 finishers based on portfolio yield were:

1. Sevara Kamolova, MS in Finance
2. Anthony Njeru, MS in Finance
3. Máté Ligeti, MS in Finance.

The students traded stocks, ETFs and indices. The competition kicked off with a demo day on April 9, with trading running on April 12-16.

We would like to thank Equilor Investment's Head of Equity Research and Strategy Lajos Török and Head of Online Trading Szilárd Buró for organizing the competition. Equilor Investment is the oldest independent brokerage firm in Hungary. It is a founding member of the Budapest Stock Exchange, a member of the Investor Protection Fund, and an affiliate member of the Hungarian Venture Capital Association.

Academic Area: 
