The Defacto blog
was founded in 2014 by Gabor Kezdi, Miklos Koren and Adam Szeidl, professors at the Department of Economics and Business at Central European University. The intended mission of the blog is summarized by its motto --- “let us build public discourse on facts.” Over the years, Defacto has succeeded in becoming a brand identified with succinct, evidence-based reasoning while using jargon-free language accessible to a wide audience.
Up until 2022, the target audience was the Hungarian public, and all posts were written Hungarian. (The blog was initially published in cooperation with but then moved to in 2020.) All Hungarian language posts are available under the link
With CEU’s move to Vienna, the department decided to widen the blog’s outreach and enter into cooperation with the Austrian Economic Association. In 2023 Defacto has started contributing German language posts to the association’s “Der ökonomische Blick” blog on a rotational basis. These contributions are listed below:
- Stabile Einkommensungleichheit trotz dynamischer Arbeitsmarktveränderungen in Österreich (Martin Halla; Andrea Weber, June 24. 2024)
- Wie kann man Inflation besser vorhersagen? (Andras Danis, December 21, 2023)
- Wie sich der Wandel zu mehr Dienstleistungen auf die Löhne auswirkt (Alice Kügler, October 9, 2023)
- Nachhaltiger Konsum ist kein Allheilmittel (Marc Kaufmann, August 10, 2023)
- (Was) verlieren Arbeitnehmer, wenn sie eine paar Monate lang nicht arbeiten gehen? (Timea L. Molnar, May 22, 2023)
- Ein Blick nach Ungarn zeigt, wie wichtig Mutterschutz für arbeitende Frauen ist (Andrea Weber, March 13, 2023)
Sind wir süchtig nach digitalen Medien? (Mats Köster, January 9, 2023)