Paul Marer

Professor Emeritus

Contact information

‚Visiting Professor of International Business, China Europe International 
   Business School (CEIBS), Shanghai, Sept-Dec 2004 and Nov-Dec 2006.

 ‚Visiting Professor, University of Trento, Trento, Italy, April – July 2005.

 ‚Twenty-five years at the Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business
    (1975-2000), promoted to full professor of international business.

 ‚Appointed by President George Bush in 1990, re-appointed by President
     Clinton in 1996 and by George W. Bush in 2001, to the Board of  
     Trustees of the Hungarian-American Enterprise Fund.  The Fund invests
     and monitors – like a private venture capitalist – the $78 million the 
     U.S. gave to Hungary to promote private enterprise; member, Audit
    Committee (1990-2006), when the Fund, mission accomplished, went
    out business.

 ‚Served as principal architect and co-director of the Hungarian-
    International Blue Ribbon Commission, a multi-year effort during
    1989-90 to blueprint Hungary’s transformation to a market economy. 
    Recruited and managed 100 experts from 11 countries and raised $1
    million, working with Hudson Institute, Indianapolis, as a Senior Adjunct

 ‚ Repeated invited testimony before Congressional committees.  During
    the 1970s and 1980s, briefed members of the U.S. House and Senate
    and newly-appointed US ambassadors to the countries of Central and
    East. Europe.

 ‚Consulting experience with the IMF, the World Bank, the UN, the
    OECD, USAID, Eli Lilly, Cummins Engine Co and other firms.

 ‚Wrote or edited 20 books and 150 articles and chapters, mainly on the
    changing political, economic and business situation in Hungary, the
    other countries of Central and Eastern Europe, Russia and China.

     Honorary doctorate, Budapest University of Economic Sciences (1999

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